I have been shared by my Pakistan friend a link, wherein a vlogger namely Imran Khan Riaz, is promoting hatred through his vlog available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EHbiygTe1E on his You Tube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/ImranKhanRiaz against the United States of America [USA] and People of United States of America.
In the video clip, between 00:17 to 02:54, Mr. Riaz is promoting hatred against the United States, transcript of which (translated in English language through Google Translate) is below
“The change for which the United States of America begin its mission in Pakistan, has successfully completed now. Congratulations to the United States for succeeding in the Regime Change Operation they initiated in Pakistan. Also, congratulations to everyone who worked from outside of Pakistan and those who spent a lot of money
Like the US does in different countries, this regime change operation it did inside Pakistan.
The US-funded mission of regime change inside Pakistan completed in a total of 1 month and 3 days and Imran Khan was ousted as the prime minister, while Shehbaz Sharif is now the new prime minister of Pakistan […] who will now take oath of premiership
All these leaders have wanted to oust Imran Khan for the last 3 years, however as soon as United States intervened, Imran Khan was ousted. Imran Khan’s claim of American intervention is based on evidences. There were several meetings by US officials, and the circumstances were molded against Imran Khan. His allies and those who frequently remained connected with Imran Khan, started avoiding him.”
The hatred content available in the above link could be dangerous for the citizens of United State of America in Pakistan, such as, few days ago, a Sri-Lankan citizen has been killed in Pakistan by the crowd/mob allegedly mobilized on religious issue.
Ned Price, US State Department spokesperson, in a press briefing on May 10, also again denied the allegations made against US regarding the regime change in Pakistan during a scheduled press briefing.
He was quoted saying
We are not going to let propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation – lies – get in the way of any bilateral relationship we have, including with the bilateral relationship we have with Pakistan, one we value
Moreover, the said hatred content may also provoke the Pakistani Citizens in United State of America, in violence against the local people.
It has been observed that the said vlogger has posted a number of videos containing content referred to as hate speech in the YouTube Policy, with a narrative to incite violence, more particularly against the United States of America and its citizens
Below are more links of the Videos on his YouTube channel:
Title of Video | Link of Video |
Why US Warns Pakistan? | Foreign Office Responds to EU Envoys | Imran Khan Exclusive Analysis | https://youtu.be/iy_nVV246H0 |
Open Letter| Why was Imran Khan's Government Overthrown?| Role of US | Imran Khan Exclusive Analysis | https://youtu.be/zVCCZufqgS8 |
Shehbaz Sharif Reply to United States| Imported Government Na Manzoor| Imran Khan Exclusive Analysis | https://youtu.be/VY7iYe1OeAM |
US Military Bases in Pakistan | Big Revelations | PTI Foreign Funding Case | Imran Khan Exclusive | https://youtu.be/JE-kjVDWRMA |
8th Day, latest update from Russia-Ukraine | What's benefits USA wants out of it | Imran Khan Vlog | https://youtu.be/AtuKaIi--F8 |
PM Imran Khan Slams United States and EU Envoys| PTI Jalsa in Mailsi | Imran Khan Exclusive Analysis | https://youtu.be/59uienWWMUs |
Price of Absolutely Not, United States bow to Russia | Imran Khan Exclusive Analysis | https://youtu.be/AalQQ7VmYEA |
Pakistan's Bold Decision | Answer to United States | PM Khan's Announcement | Imran Khan Exclusive | https://youtu.be/Ql0mQZqhUB4 |
After Afghanistan, Americans running from all over the world | Imran Khan Senior Journalist | https://youtu.be/_xCLPXXSAL0 |
All of the above videos clearly violate YouTube’s hate speech policy available at the following link
The policy clearly states that
“We may terminate your channel or account after a single case of severe abuse, or when the channel is dedicated to a policy violation”.
The policy also states that
Hate speech is not allowed on YouTube. We remove content promoting violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the following attributes:
- Age
- Caste
- Disability
- Ethnicity
- Gender Identity and Expression
- Nationality
- Race
- Immigration Status
- Religion
- Sex/Gender
- Sexual Orientation
- Victims of a major violent event and their kin
- Veteran Status
Don’t post content on YouTube if the purpose of that content is to do one or more of the following
Encourage violence against individuals or groups based on any of the attributes noted above. We don’t allow threats on YouTube, and we treat implied calls for violence as real threats. You can learn more about our policies on threats and harassment
Incite hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the attributes noted above
Therefore, the YouTube channel of the said person should be banned completely
In view of the above, you are, therefore, requested to please ban the YouTube channel of vlogger namely Imran Khan Riaz on serious violation of USA laws and YouTube Policies, immediately.